START for the Bucharest Half Marathon and Marathon
- A field of 10,000 entrants for each event for vaccinated runners -
Bucharest RUNNING CLUB informs that, after analyzing the current situation and evaluating all the scenarios, together with the partners and decision makers involved in the organization process, is confident to announce the dates of this year's Bucharest RUNNING CLUB competitions. Therefore, Bucharest will be able to safely host OMV Petrom Bucharest HALF MARATHON, between September 4th-5th, 2021 and Raiffeisen Bank Bucharest MARATHON, between October 30th-31st, 2021.
The safety and health of the participants are a priority for the events we organize, thus, the access of the runners will be made only on the basis of the vaccination certificate * with a limit of 10,000 participants. "We are in constant communication with decision-makers and national authorities in the field of public health and as soon as the national vaccination target for the current month is reached, the optimal number of runners who could participate will be reconsidered, respecting all the safety sanitary rules. ” says Valeria Răcilă van Groningen.
Registrations for the Bucharest RUNNING CLUB 2021 events will open on Friday, May 21st, 2021.
All the registrations made so far remain valid, the runners who have chosen this, will be automatically transferred for this year's editions. For the situation in which, the new running dates of the Bucharest RUNNING CLUB competitions are incompatible with the personal plans of some of the runners already registered, they are kindly asked to send an email on, until June 30th,2021.
„Susținem stilul de viață sănătos și activitățile sportive în aer liber, indiferent de vârstă. Un pas important pentru revenirea la viața pe care ne-o dorim cu toții în această direcție îl constituie pregătirea și organizarea acestui tip de evenimente sportive, respectând cele mai înalte standarde de siguranță sanitară. Ne exprimăm totodată speranța că, în următoarea perioadă, situația epidemiologică se va îmbunătăți considerabil, astfel încât evenimentele de acest gen sa-și reia cursul firesc.” declară Dr. Raed ARAFAT, Secretar de Stat în Ministerul Afacerilor Interne, Șeful Departamentului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă
"Dear runners, we are part of the same community, we share the same values and love for running and, thus, we thank you for the constant support and patience you have given us. We can't wait to see each other again at the start line, with the same enthusiasm that we all miss so much! ” declares Valeria Răcilă van Groningen.
* The booster (if applicable) must have been administered at least 10 days before the race date.
About Bucharest Running Club
About Bucharest RUNNING CLUB Bucharest RUNNING CLUB is the organizer of the biggest street running competitions in Romania. Since 2008, Bucharest has been included in the international circuit of marathons, joining the other European capitals that annually host such competitions. All Bucharest RUNNING CLUB competitions are accredited and registered in the international calendar of AIMS (International Association of Marathons and Half Marathons) and IAAF. BRC has developed in Romania the model of associating running competitions with a social, humanitarian, or ecological cause, and currently, there are over 30 partner causes of events. They raise up to 100,000 euros annually for the community, social, educational, ecological projects presented. BRC was the first NGO to start a sports volunteering platform in Romania - www.voluntarinsport. BRC organizes its competitions but also mass sports events for companies and NGOs. The official websites of Bucharest RUNNING CLUB are:,,,, FB / Bucharest10km; Bucharest21km; BucharestMarathon; BucharestRuningClub; VoluntarInSport; #RunInBucharest