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Fundatia Olimpica RomanaThe Romanian Olympic Foundation

Fundatia Olimpica Romana spune “START MARATON”! Inscrie-te in echipa Fundatiei Olimpice Romane la Maratonul Bucuresti!


I-ai vazut in lumina reflectoarelor, pe podium, ai crezut in ei si nu te-au dezamagit. Este vorba despre sportivii Romaniei, oameni care s-au luptat pentru a atinge performante incredibile pentru tara noastra. I-ai considerat eroi imbatabili, insa unii dintre ei au suferit accidente grave in timpul antrenamentelor, s-au ranit si au fost nevoiti sa abandoneze cariera in sport. Altii sufera din cauza unor boli grele venite odata cu batranetea. Acum vrem sa le aratam ca stim sa fim alaturi de ei si la greu. Asa ca in octombrie vom alerga pentru ei, pentru sportivii Romaniei aflati in dificultate. Vino alaturi de noi! Ce este Fundatia Olimpica Romana?

  • O organizatie non-profit, apolitica si neguvernamentala, infiintata cu scopul de a gasi mijloace de finantare pentru sportul olimpic romanesc.
  • Prin proiectele desfasurate, Fundatia Olimpica Romana sustine dezvoltarea tinerilor sportivi din Romania, sprijina echipele care ne reprezinta tara in competitii sportive nationale si internationale si este alaturi de sportivii romani care au nevoie de ajutor in situatii deosebite de viata.

De ce sa alergi in echipa Fundatiei Olimpice Romane?

  • Vei alerga alaturi de nume mari ale sportului romanesc, care se vor alatura echipei noastre.
  • Vei ajuta fosti campioni nationali, mondiali sau olimpici, oameni care au activat in domeniul sportiv si care acum se gasesc in dificultate.
  • Fondurile stranse de tine ii vor ajuta pe acestia sa duca o viata normala, beneficiind de sprijinul de care au nevoie.
  • Cu ajutorul tau peste 50 de persoane vor beneficia, timp de un an, de asistenta financiara pentru procurarea de medicamente, pensii sociale sau chiar ajutoare financiare pentru diferite interventii chirurgicale in tara si strainatate.
  • Cu ajutorul tau vom putea strange cei 50.000 de euro necesari.

Cum te inscrii in echipa Fundatiei Olimpice Romane?

  1. Alege intre cursa populara (2,9 km), stafeta (4 x 10,5 km), semimaraton (21 km) si maraton (42 km)
  2. Inregistreaza-te la una din cursele pe site-ul oficial al organizatorilor (si nu uita sa precizezi ‘Fundatia Olimpica Romana’ la campul ‘Club’)
  3. Incepe sa strangi fonduri pentru cauza Fundatiei Olimpice Romane si antreneaza-te pentru alergare!

Vom fi alaturi de tine!

  • -Iti vom oferi sprijin constant.
  • -Vei primi din partea noastra tricou de alergare pentru cursa.
  • -Pentru ca orice alergator ne este si prieten, te vom invita la sediul Fundatiei pentru a ne cunoaste mai bine.
  • -In ziua cursei te vom incuraja pe traseu – familia si prietenii tai se pot alatura.
  • -Si alte cateva surprize pe care le pregatim special pentru tine.

Vrei sa fii unul dintre alergatorii din echipa Fundatiei Olimpice Romane? Atunci inscrie-te chiar acum! Impreuna vom forma o echipa frumoasa, curajoasa si plina de speranta, gata sa alerge pentru sportivii Romaniei aflati in dificultate. Va multumim!

The Romanian Olympic Foundation says „GO MARATHON”! Join the Romanian Olympic Foundation Team at the Bucharest Marathon!


You’ve seen them in the spotlight, on the podium, you believed in them and they didn’t disappoint you. We are talking about Romanian athletes, people who have struggled to achieve incredible results for our country. You’ve considered them invincible heroes, but some of them suffered serious injuries during their training and had to give up their career in sports. Others, because of their age, are suffering from serious health problems. Now, in these difficult moments, we wish to stand by their side and show them our support. So in October we will be running for them, for the Romanian athletes in need. Join us! What is the Romanian Olympic Foundation?

  • A non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization, founded in order to find means of financing for Romanian Olympic sports.
  • Through the projects developed, the Romanian Olympic Foundation supports the development of young Romanian athletes and also supports the teams that represent our country at national and international sports competitions. The Romanian Olympic Foundation is also supporting Romanian athletes who need help during difficult moments in their lives.

Why run for the Romanian Olympic Foundation Team?

  • You will have the chance to be on the same team with important Romanian athletes that will join us for the marathon.
  • This way you can really help former national, world or Olympic champions, people who have worked in the sports industry and are now facing serious health problems.
  • The funds raised by you will help them have a normal life with the support they need.
  • With your help more than 50 people will receive, for one year, financial assistance for the purchase of drugs, social pensions or different surgeries in the country and abroad.
  • With your help we can raise the 50,000 euros needed.

How to join the Romanian Olympic Team Foundation?

  1. Choose between the popular race (2.9 miles), the relay (4 x 10.5 miles), the half marathon (21 km) and the marathon (42 km).
  2. Sign up for one of the races on the official website of the organizers (and do not forget to say ‘Romanian Olympic Foundation’ in the field ‘Club’)!
  3. Start raising funds for the cause and don’t forget to train for the marathon!

We will be there for you!

  • We will provide ongoing support.
  • You will receive from us a T-shirt for the race.
  • Because every runner is also our friend, we will invite you at our office to meet us all.
  • On race day we will be there to encourage you during the race – family and friends can join.
  • And some other surprises are on their way!

So, you want to be one of the runners in the Romanian Olympic Foundation Team? Then sign up now! Together we will start a great team, with brave and inspiring people, ready to make a difference by running for the Romanian athletes in need! Thank you!
