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Let`s Do It, Romania!

If you consider yourself a DOER (= a passionate person, involved in bringing positive change in Romania) and you care about the nature and keeping it clean, join our team! Let`s Do It!


„Let`s Do It, Romania!” is the biggest social movement in Romania. Since 2010, we managed to involve more than 1 400 000 in 5 National Cleanup Days and also in other projects dedicated to people and the environment. Thanks to our volunteers` efforts, we managed to clean more than 25 000 tons of waste and contribute to educating the young generation.


With our actions, we showed Romanians that big causes, with great impact for the community, are possible also in Romania. For more than 7 years now, we are bringing together people, united by the same goal: a clean country.


By supporting „Let`s Do It, Romania!”, you „say yes” to our cause to have a clean country! Join a team with fun, inspiring and happy Doers!


Daca te consideri un DOER (=o persoana pasionata, care actioneaza pentru a aduce o schimbare pozitiva in Romania) si iti pasa de natura, vino in echipa noastra! Let`s Do It!

„Let`s Do It, Romania!” este cea mai mare miscare sociala din Romania. Din 2010 si pana in prezent, am reusit sa implicam peste 1 400 000 de voluntari in 5 Zile de Curatenie Nationala, dar si in alte proiecte dedicate oamenilor si mediului. Cu ajutorul voluntarilor nostri, am reusit sa curatam peste 25 000 de tone de deseuri si contribuim la educarea tinerei generatii.

Prin actiunile noastre, am aratat romanilor ca astfel de cauze, de amploare, cu impact major in comunitate, sunt posibile si in Romania. De mai bine de 7 ani aducem impreuna oameni uniti de acelasi scop: o tara curata.

Daca sustii „Let`s Do It, Romania!”, spui „da” cauzei noastre: o tara curata. Fii parte din echipa noastra, o echipa de Doers amuzanti, inspirationali si veseli!
